In this page...

  • Clan Hierarchy
  • Rank Information
  • Current Ranked Members
  • Current Unranked Members
  • Squads

Clan Hierarchy


Rank Information

Rank Information:

To be a Dragon Lord General:
You must own a DragonLord class.
You must be level 30.

To be a Dragon Lord Captain:
You must own a DragonLord class with Rank 10.

To be a Dragon Slayer General:
You must own a Dragon Slayer class with Rank 10.
You must be level 30.

To be a Dragon Slayer Captain: 
You must own a Dragon Slayer class with Rank 10.

To be a Dragon Knight:
Must have a Dragon Lord class.

To be a Dragon Apprentice:
Must have a Dragon Slayer class.


To be a White Knight General
Must have Rank 10 Paladin class.
Must be level 30.

To be an Ambassador:
Must have Guardian Class OR StarLord Class.

To be a Master Ambassador:
Must own all three game verifications.

To be a Prestige Dragon Lord:
Must be an AQW upgraded member.
Must be level 30.
Must have a Dragon Lord class with Rank 10.

Guests of Honor:
Delacroix The 2nd
Happy Storm
Mystic Royalty

Current Ranked Members:

Victor Delacroix:
Pure Dragon Lord

Dracolith Dragon Lord

Vul The Destroyer:
Chaorrupted Dragon Lord

Prestige Dragon Lords:
Master Ambassadors:

White Knight Generals:

DragonLord Generals:
John Joaquin
DragonLord Captains:
Mystic Majesty
Dragon Knights:
DragonSlayer Generals:
Sir Marcellus Pye
DragonSlayer Captains:
Dragon Apprentices:
Sir Viv0r
Master Killer K 

PVP Squads

Damn Squads... How to they work?

It's so simple it hurts, all you gotta do is look below for the squad requirements and what they do. 
Even further below, you will see a form which you can apply to the squad you want to. 
Any new members that don't talk to any clan members, or don't even log in, if they do not apply to a squad will be removed without further notice. I strive for an active community, not just people who can say "Hey, I got a clan and you don't".

Each squad will have at least a ranked General, and two captains for each General in the squad.

Master Ambassadors and Ambassadors will also be seen as Generals, along with Prestige Dragon Lords.

Blitzkrieg Squad

The Blitzkrieg (German for lightning war) Squad plays a vital role in PVP. If you play PVP you might know that the key element to win the match is to take out the enemy restorers faster than them, so you can get the lead and the point generation rate earlier than the enemy. 

Here's what you need to know:

Squad Requirements

To join this squad you need one of the following classes:

DragonLord Class
StarLord Class
Paladin Class

Guardian Class

You will also need a BLUE cape when the clan goes PVP together.

What do they do?

This squad's job is to rush to the enemy's restorer rooms ignoring everything else until they get there. Their job is to kill the restorers right off the bat, and for that purpose, we thought this squad should be formed by players with classes with multi-attack abilities.  Once they are through with the restorers, they defend their own restorers, and if no one is there, they move on to Brawlers.


Squad Leader: Victor Delacroix

General 1: CeroPainZ
Captain 1:  Delacroix The 2nd
Captain 2: Gdaka

Master Killer K

Crimson Squad

This squad is the pain-in-the-ass squad. Their sole purpose is to destroy the enemy players in any way possible. This squad will take the most annoyingly  powerful classes on to the field to kill anything on their way. 

Here's the stuff:

What do they do?

This squad's job is to kill every single enemy player they find, doesn't matter if they are running, you will hunt them down, to give the idea that you're not joking with them. You will use the most unfair, powerful, annoying classes for this. The enemy needs to feel that their team is weak, and that will cause to leave the match in shame. In the beggning of the match, this squad will rush to the middle neutral room (both of them), stay there until the Blitzkrieg squad kills restorers, killing all enemy players, preventing them to go inside any of the restorer rooms. 

Squad Requirements

To join this squad you need one of the following classes:

Berzerker Class
Assassin / Ninja Class
Renegade/ Rogue / Pirate Class
Defender Class
ChronoMancer Class

You will also need a RED cape when the clan goes PVP together.


Squad Leader: Vul The Destroyer

General 1: Skyjet9
General 1: Sir Marcellus Pye


Lich Squad

This is the support squad, where the weak and free players are welcome to join. This is a class mosh pit, you can have anything here, but we thought about it and these are the recommended classes to use while in this squad:

Warrior/Warlord Class (To stun enemies)
Healer/Acolyte Class (To heal friendlies (orly?))

Bard Class also helps.

You will also need a PURPLE cape when the clan goes PVP together.

What do they do?

This squad helps the other two squads in any way they can, for instance, healing the Crimson squad and stunning enemies to help the Blitzkrieg squad.


Squad Leader: DragonTamr60
General 1: Exterminator126
Captain 1: --none--
Captain 2: --none--


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